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About us

Our mission

Energy independence for your home.

We believe electricity should be cheaper, cleaner and way more reliable. Enter solar and battery systems. They're brilliant.

With a Haven system, homeowners can generate their own electricity, store it in a battery, and use it on demand.

Solar and battery systems are also key to making the clean energy transition happen. Batteries maximize the potential of renewable energy – storing up surplus solar that can be used in the evening and at night. The more clean energy we store, the less dependent we are on fossil fuels.

As we face an aging grid and increasingly extreme climate events, we need energy solutions that don't take years to realize. Solar and storage deliver the goods, right now, for people and the planet.

Haven in the news

Our team

We're experts at solving problems. Accelerating the energy transition is a big one.

We want to bring solar and battery systems to people at scale. And we have the deep industry expertise and exceptional consumer insights to do it.

When we create an energy solution for a homeowner, we consider every aspect of their energy usage and needs. This means tailoring their experience from end to end and providing responsive service at every turn – from choosing the right panels and battery type, to system design, financing, installation, and ongoing energy optimization.

We have a once-in-generation opportunity to transform how we use energy and how it impacts the planet. Join us.

Our founders


Vinnie Campo

Founder & CEO


Jeff Chapin

Founder & CPO


Philip Krim

Founder & Advisor

Come work with us

Want to change the future of energy? We're hiring.
See open positions
Solar Energy Industries Association LogoCalifornia Solar + Storage Association Logo
Better Business Bureau LogoContractors State License Board Logo

Haven is a licensed California contractor. Were bonded, insured, and extremely hopeful about the future.